Announcement: Online coaching and nutrition app launching soon!

News and Features
Voyage LA Hidden Gem Article
Voyage LA Magazine Feature
Meet Roxan Tucker-Browne of Roxy B FIT....I am a mother of three beautiful girls, a wife and business owner. I am of Jamaican descent and grew up in South Florida. Moved to the west coast five years ago in 2016 when my husband then finance took a new position with his company that moved us to Seattle. I moved as a Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant.

Ms. Health and Fitness Competition
I want take this time to express my sincere gratitude to everyone that took the time out to vote for me daily and for those that contributed monetarily. I am so grateful to have been in the running of Ms Health and Fitness but my time in the competition is over.
But now I have your attention, I made it to the top 1% quarter finals beating out over 18,000 other women and for that I’m grateful. Some people might look at not getting the title as a loss but I gained so much more.
It taught me valuable lessons, gratitude, resilience, perseverance, acceptance, drive, determination, consistency and to never freaking give up no matter what. Those lessons are priceless...... I been made some cool ass friends along the way. My competitors became some friends we built bonds that I hope to grow from here on out. I saw how many people rallied for me, supported, encouraged, and motivated me. It took all of you to get me this far and for that I am so grateful. This is such a win in so many ways...what a great experience.... I am a WINNER because my support is so bomb. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Thank you 😊
Sweaty Edge Podcast
Podcast Guests
Sweaty Edges Podcast (subscribe on Anchor and Spotify and NOW Apple Podcast and Google Podcast)
Listen to me on Sweaty Edges Show talks about what we should look for in a trainer and how to manage our own experience when working with one.